Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cut Tari had to be rechecked for giving false information to police

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Cut Tari had to be rechecked for giving false information to police. JAKARTA,12-07-2010 Indonesia Head of Commissioner of Public Information (Pol) Marwoto Soeto met at Police Headquarters, Cut tari back to respond to recognition before the media last night on his pornographic video with Ariel (ex. PeterPan Band). According Marwoto such recognition is possible to reduce the sanction of society to Cut tari. "Recognition of the CT of the case was not significant that it was him, we also do not know. From the beginning we did not pursue the recognition, we look for other evidence and ask testimony of experts for this case," said Marwoto.

Hotman Paris Hutapea Although disclosed as legal counselor Cut tari, he has also given recognition in the BAP. However, the investigating authorities had not add caption recognition Dance Cut. The reason is, because the Cut tari new apologize and confess before the media, but and not in the presence of the investigator. "The purpose of the apology for what? Said sorry for what?

In order not to be ostracized by society, but he said sorry he had lied to the police were not doing," he added.
"He has not been recognized with certainty, that he had previously lied to the police for giving false information. He could be reexamined by the investigators," continued Marwoto. He also explained that until now Ariel has not admitted that he lied about his porn videos.

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